Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Thing #5 - Flickr again

Originally uploaded by stoney.jackson
I found this picture of Alcatraz Island, which I visited this past summer, on Flickr. In order to add this photo from Flickr I had to register my blog which was fairly easy. There are A LOT of "interesting" pictures on Flickr. I understand the value of photo sharing with family and friends, but I'm not really sure why people would want the whole world to view their pictures. Oh each his own!

Thing #5 - Flickr

"Let Me Out!" The Web 2.0 technology in me is trying to break free.

I easily imported several of my vacation pictures to Flickr. The problem I had was trying to set up sets of pictures. In my first attempt at setting up a set, I created 3 sets of 1 picture. In trying to correct my mistake I deleted a picture from Flickr. A word to the wise: if you get a message about are you sure you want to delete this picture click NO unless you really want it deleted from Flickr. I didn't think Flickr's help menu was the best, but I kept clicking away until I got it right. I then uploaded a picture from iPhoto to my blog. It was quite easy. My next post will be about uploading a picture from Flickr to the blog. I'll see if it is as easy.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Thing #3- Avatar

I fInally finished playing with my avatar and created the persona. The problem I had with posting my avatar to the blog was that I thought it was saving and I was waiting and waiting.....until Debbie came by and said to cancel and the graphic was already there. I might still be saving if it wasn't for her. Thanks, Debbie!

THing #4

I think it would be fun to blog with the students. The students could comment on their favorite books, dislikes about books, etc. However, in thinking through the logistics I'm not sure exactly how this could be handled in a safe manner (no bad words, etc). I'll have to think on that one. Any suggestions?

I could see using this in the MISD library community by posting things that work/didn't work related to research units, Web 2.0, etc.

Thing #3

It was a little frustrating setting up the blog because yahoo's avatar site was down and I was looking forward to creating my online persona. I will have to come back to that. The other frustrating part was that the original address I wanted to use was not available. I had to try several different things before finding one that worked - and would be somewhat easy to remember.

Thing #2

I think the hardest thing for me related to the 7 1/2 Habits is related to #6: Use technology to your advantage. My mind doesn't naturaly gravitate towards technology first. I am still one of those people that like to pick up the phone and talk to a person instead of emailing. There are so many tools available to us and I need to start using them more so that I will be able to use technology to my advantage.

The easiest habit for me is to play. I have to use it or I will lose it. I am very grateful for this time that we have been given to explore Web 2.0. I will probably use more of the "things" because I am able to explore at my own pace.

Thing #1

I am excited, yet somewhat apprehensive, about Web 2.0. I must admit I am feeling my age with the new technologies. I know the future of technology is Web 2.0, but my mindset is still with "Web 1.0." I see the younger teachers and students utilizing these things and wish that I was as technolgy savvy as them. I think I know quite a bit about the internet and computers, but it is nothing compared to the younger generation.